
The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!

Workgroup Resources

In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects, like a Matrix server, a Taiga board and the translation platform Weblate.

* Currently homeserver is blocking users, which means you won't able communicate with majority of the community if you use as your homeserver. Using different homeserver is strongly advised.

IRC Channels

The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below. These channels are bridged to a number of other platforms, allowing the community to communicate using their favourite chat service/protocol.

#monero Matrix logo

This channel is used to discuss all things Monero related.

#monero-community Matrix logo

This channel is for the Monero community to congregate and discuss ideas.

#monero-dev Matrix logo

The many contributors and developers come here to discuss dev-y things.

#monero-markets Matrix logo

We use this channel to talk about the price of Monero and other coins.

#monero-offtopic Matrix logo

Chatting with other Monero users about things not related to Monero.

#monero-pools Matrix logo

This is the place for mining questions and discussion.

#monero-research-lab Matrix logo

Research into financial privacy with cryptocurrency.

#monero-translations Matrix logo

Localizing Monero into other languages.

#monero-hardware Matrix logo

Building hardware wallets to keep your Monero safe.

#monero-site Matrix logo

Where the development of this website is coordinated.